TTSA Annual General Meeting (Year 2023)


Sun 17 Mar 2024 11:00 — 13:00

Event information

This event has passed.

The AGM is an important event for every organization & is a legal requirement. It is a way for members to be formally updated on how TTSA has been going over the last 12 months, it is also the meeting where members are elected to the Board.

Become a Board Member
The AGM also represents a great opportunity to get involved in helping to drive the sport in SA and Australia by nominating to become a TTSA Board Member. There are Board positions available.

Notices of Motion & Other Business
Affiliates wishing to have any business or notices of motions placed on the AGM Agenda, must submit in writing, that business, and forward to the President ( by 5pm CST 11th February 2024.