Smash Hit Juniors


What is Smash Hit

Smash Hit is a 12 week junior programme of regular weekly competition against players of similar ability. The programme caters for junior players of all standards and is run by Table Tennis South Australia (TTSA)
It is designed to be an introductory competition for juniors and to offer particpants a pathway in the sport of table tennis.  It is also a fun and exciting competition.
The competition commences each year in late October, has a break over the Christmas holiday period and resumes in early February finishing in mid March.

Competition Results

Southside Hub - Accum Player Results player results as at 15/02/2025
Southside Hub - Team Comp Results team results as at 15/02/2025
Southside Hub - Trophy Recipients 2023 / 2024 Southside Trophy Recipients
Eastside Hub - Accum Player Results Eastside Player Results - 11/02/2025
Eastside Hub - Trophy Recipients 2023 / 2024 Eastside Trophy Recipients
Adelaide Cup Results (Eastside v Southside Teams Events) 16/3/2024 Results and Images

Where is the Competiton played & Program Dates

The competition is played in two hubs, the Southside and the Eastern Hub.

The Eastside Hub is played every Tuesday evening at the East Adelaide Table Tennis Club, Stradbroke Road, Newton.

Eastside Hub -  Program Dates 2024 / 2025 Eastside Program Dates

The Southside Hub consists of Southern Table Tennis, Brighton Table Tennis and the Adelaide Table Tennis Clubs. Matches are played in the Southside Hub on a rotational basis between Southern Table Tennis  and the Brighton / Adelaide Table Tennis Clubs. Details as follows;

Southside Hub -  Program Dates 2024 / 2025 Southside Program Dates
Southside Weekly Venue Info - for Saturday, 22/2  all players to Southern

- All table tennis venues are air conditioned environments. 

Competition Format

Each player is guaranteed at least three (3) singles matches each session.
Each match is the best of 3 games to 11 points.
After each round players will be assessed, and if warranted, players may be changed to a more appropriate team / grade depending on their ability.

When is the Competition Played

The competition is played in the Southside Hub on Saturday mornings commencing at 10:00 am and finishing by 11:30am. Commences 9.00 am when at Brighton & Adelaide. Please be in attendance at least 15 minutes before the scheduled start time.

At the Eastern Hub the competition is played on Tuesday evenings commencing at 7:00pm and finishing at 8:30pm.


  • Open to all school age participants (under 19) of table tennis
  • Open to all particpants excluding those that have represented South Australia or have a current South Australian junior ranking

Cost of Entry

  • $100.00 per participant payable on week 1,
  • Package includes ...........12 weeks of competition, end of season tournament, trophies and sausage sizzle, and new players to the program receive a free polo top.

Grading Day

On week 1 there will be a short introduction session where players will be welcomed and given a brief overview of the 12 week program.  Players will then be allocated to a playing group for the first round of matches, the results of which will be used to place players in grades / teams appropriate to their level of play ready for week 2.

Competition Structure

Players are grouped into the following grades:
  • Beginner - Someone who can serve and rally with a basic level of capability
  • Competent - As above, plus has basic understanding of technique
  • Advanced - As above, plus has a greater level of technique

TTSA Policies Applying


The Smash Hit competition is conducted under TTSA governance which provides for a child safe environment. For further detail, reference the 'Child Safe Environment Policy', 'Child Safe Officer Policy',  'Code of Conduct', 'Privacy Policy' and 'Hot Weather Policy', all available at Policies and Forms - Table Tennis South Australia - revolutioniseSPORT (



Do not attend a program session if sick or feeling unwell. Wearing of masks is optional. 


2024/2025 Smash Hit Program
Hub Program Details and Contacts

Southside Hub:  For information, contact Lenore Roder on 0419 826 655 or via email to Southside Info Sheet
Eastern Hub:  For information, contact Kay Crowell on 0414 800 372 or via email to  Eastside Info Sheet
If interested in participating in Smash Hit after registrations close , complete the form to the right and forward to Late Registrations