
Kaizen Table Tennis

Published Fri 25 Feb 2022

An independent, player-led training initiative

Kaizen TT has been set up by Sharad Pandit, Sarah Sandley and Alex Swanson as a player-led opportunity to train, have fun and sharpen your game - on and off the table.

With a philosophy drawing on the Japanese concept of kaizen, the training will include technique, mental fitness, physical fitness and the latest in nutrition and exercise physiology.

Solid demand for Kaizen has emerged from elite players and from players at division 1-4 level. We have therefore broadened the criteria to include some intermediate players and will ensure that players train with someone of a similar standard: elite with elite, intermediate with intermediate.

There are only 4 places remaining so please register your interest immediately by emailing Sarah at the email shown below:

To Register, please email, or phone/text 0457 527 292,
by Monday 14 March 2022, advising which grade you play.


****  New  ****  Kaizen Juniors session 5.30-7pm Tuesdays – 7 places available

Demand has emerged from parents of younger players who want to improve their skills fast.

Limited to 10 players, this is being led by player coach Alan Xu, who used to represent the Shandong Provincial Team of China (with a peak rating of 2509). Alan has trained many SA teenagers who have gone on to win state and national titles. The focus of this group is on rapid improvement of younger players’ skills through a combination of multi-ball, training exercises and match play in a small group of 10.

Please click here for general details re Kaizen Training :  KAIZEN TRAINING GROUP INFO

Please click here for details re NEW JUNIOR Kaizen Training : JUNIOR KAIZEN TRAINING INFO